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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

e-book pdf - java - core servlets and jsp.pdf

This book is aimed at serious software developers. This is not a book that
touts the potential of e-commerce or pontificates about how Web-enabled
applications will revolutionize your business. Instead, it is a hands-on book
aimed at helping programmers who are already convinced of the need for
dynamic Web sites get started building them right away. In showing how to
build these sites, I try to illustrate the most important approaches and warn
you of the most common pitfalls. Along the way, I include plenty of working
code: more than a hundred documented Java classes, for instance. I try to
give detailed examples of the most important and frequently used features,
summarize the lesser-used ones, and refer you to the APIs (available
on-line) for a few of the rarely used ones.
Nor is this a book that skims dozens of technologies at a high level.
Although I don’t claim that this is a definitive reference on every technology
it touches on (e.g., there are a number of books this size just on JDBC), if the
book covers a topic, it does so in enough detail for you to sit down and start
writing real programs. The one exception to this rule is the Java programming
language itself. Although I don’t assume any familiarity with server-side programming,
I do expect you to be familiar with the basics of Java language
development. If you’re not, you will need to pick up a good tutorial like Core
Java, Core Web Programming, or Thinking in Java.


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